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Displaying episodes 1 - 4 of 4 in total

How to turn your clients into your best JV partners

Who do you think are your best JV partners? You can start by looking for other businesses whose audiences are aligned with yours, who share your values, and who have o...

Why First-Time Partners Make Great Joint Venture Allies

Would you partner with a business that has never done a Joint Venture before?For Simone Vincenzi, it’s a definite yes. In fact, it’s his entire business model, and he’...

Embracing Collaboration: Rahti Gorfien's Transformation from Theater to Coaching

Rahti Gorfien is a certified life coach and ADHD coach.  For over 20 years, she has been helping creative professionals, many of whom are neurodivergent, focus, follow...

Heather Pearce Campbell: How I Built My Legal Practice Straight Out of Law School

Heather Pearce Campbell is a warrior mama, nature lover, and dedicated attorney and legal coach for world-changing entrepreneurs. Based in Seattle, she is mom to two l...

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