How to turn your clients into your best JV partners

Who do you think are your best JV partners?
You can start by looking for other businesses whose audiences are aligned with yours, who share your values, and who have offers that compliment yours. 
Better still are the partners who know you personally. E.g. Friends, suppliers, your networking group. They are part of your community, they have previous experience of working with you. They can vouch for you. 
But the best partners of all?
Your existing clients. 
Meet Joanna Lindenbaum founder of the Applied Depth Institute, and my special guest on this week’s ‘Power of Two’ podcast.  Joanna teaches master level facilitation and coaching skills to coaches, healers, therapists and speakers so they can respond powerfully & effectively to the issues their clients bring to them.
When Joanna is looking to get new clients, she knows exactly who to talk to....
As Joanna explained to me, “Your clients know you better than anyone, but if you want them to refer business to you, you need to  make sure they are your raving fans”. 
For 20 years Joanna has cultivated a very loyal client base, leading numerous retreats, workshops, and trainings, impacting thousands both in the US and globally.
But you can’t just sit back and wait for clients to refer business to you, you need a reliable, repeatable process to get them to promote you. 
This is  exactly what Joanna has created. 
During our discussion, Joanna shares her secret sauce for turning her raving fans (aka her clients) into her best JV partners, and reveals a hidden benefit of JVs that's about so much more than just business. 
Catch these highlights from our discussion....
>> Proactively ask your clients to promote you, don’t wait for them to do it
>> Why clients and those who know you well make such great JV partners
>> How to go about asking clients to support you
>> One major benefit of clients promoting you? – they don’t expect you to reciprocate!
>> How to ensure that clients promote you in a way that’s reliable and repeatable 
>> Why JV partnerships are so much more than just getting new business
>> The hidden benefit of JV partnerships….they also boost your confidence!
And much more!

How to turn your clients into your best JV partners
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